
Descopera Hyundai KONA.

Setting new standards.

The KONA Electric is setting new standards in the subcompact SUV segment with its impressive range of state-of-the-art smart tech. Enjoy the latest connectivity and clever convenience features backed up by cutting-edge safety and driver-assistance systems.


Descopera tehnologiile avansate.

Dual screen panoramic display.

Dual screen panoramic display.

The elegantly curved panoramic display features two integrated screens for a high-tech experience and intuitive usage: a 12.3” infotainment touch screen and 12.3” digital cluster.

Projection type head-up display.

Projection type head-up display.

The projection type head-up display guides you safely through the world, projecting information like directions or warnings directly onto your view of the road.

The new sound of electric driving.

The new sound of electric driving.

Hyundai’s e-Active Sound Design and the BOSE® audio system produce a virtual driving sound tailored to the cabin considering variables such as speed, torque and acceleration.


Ramai mereu conectat.

KONA dispune de tehnologii avansate pentru un stil de viata activ - functii de conectivitate si caracteristici de confort care permit utilizarea intuitiva.

Bluelink Connected Car Services.

Bluelink Connected Car Services.

Bluelink® delivers seamless connectivity and clever features to make your drive more convenient.

Always up-to-date with OTA software update.

Always up-to-date with OTA software update.

Benefit from continuous performance updates and new features through Over The Air vehicle software updates.

EV route planner and charge point finder.

EV route planner and charge point finder.

Enjoy the peace of mind of always knowing where your next charge is. Enter a destination and the navigation automatically suggests charging points on the route.

Hyundai Digital Key 2 Touch.

The new Hyundai Digital Key 2 Touch lets you use your smartphone to lock and unlock the doors as well as start the car by placing it on the wireless charging pad.

Amazon Music.

Amazon Music.

Stream your favourite music and playlists with Amazon Music5 in the KONA Electric.

Apple Car Play / Android Auto.

Apple Car Play / Android Auto.

Thanks to Apple CarPlay™ and Android Auto™, you can mirror your smartphone apps and music on the big screen.


Tehnologii avansate pentru siguranta.

Noul KONA pune la dispozitia clientilor tehnologii si echipamente de siguranta care asigura o experienta la bord sigura, conectata si confortabila.  

Highway Driving Assist (HDA 2.0).

Highway Driving Assist (HDA 2.0).

The KONA Electric features Highway Driving Assist 2.0, which utilises sensors and map data to provide Level 2 Autonomous Driving.

Forward Collision-avoidance Assist 2.0 (FCA 2.0).

Forward Collision-avoidance Assist 2.0 (FCA 2.0).

Enjoy more safety with active steering assist in critical situations with evasive steering, junction crossing, lane change ongoing and lane change side lane.

Blind-spot View Monitor (BVM).

Blind-spot View Monitor (BVM).

Now you can see the rearward left- and right-hand side views in the digital cluster. The cameras are activated by the turn indicator during lane changes.

Sistem inteligent de asistenta pentru parcarea de la distanta (RSPA).

Sistemul permite parcarea autovehiculului, fara a fi necesara prezenta conducatorului auto, utilizand doar cheia de acces.

Sistemul de avertizare pentru evitarea unei coliziuni in timpul parcarii cu spatele (PCA).

PCA utilizeaza camera si senzorii din spate pentru a detecta obstacolele, avertizand conducatorul auto si aplicand automat frana, pentru a evita o coliziune.

In Cabin Camera (ICC).

Sistemul detecteaza semnele de oboseala, utilizand camera pozitionata pe coloana de directie.

Sistemul de asistenta la coliziunile frontale (FCA).

Sistemul alerteaza conducatorul auto si aplica automat frana, pentru a reduce daunele, atunci cand o coliziune este inevitabila. FCA este disponibil cu functia de prevenire a coliziunilor in intersectii - detecteaza vehiculele care se apropie din lateral atunci cand conducatorul auto patrunde intr-o intersectie

Sistem de asistenta pentru pastrarea benzii de rulare (LKA).

In cazul unei depasiri neintentionate a benzii de rulare, LKA avertizeaza conducatorul auto si poate oferi asistenta cuplului de directie, pentru a ajuta autovehiculul sa revina pe banda.

Sistem de asistenta pentru evitarea unei coliziuni la deplasarea in marsarier (RCCA).

Sistemul RCCA avertizeaza conducatorul auto in cazul in care exista un risc de coliziune in timpul deplasarii in marsarier si actioneaza franele.


Interior spatios si confortabil.

Noul habitaclu accentueaza caracterul practic al autovehiculului, oferind mai mult spatiu pentru o experienta imbunatatita la bord.


Vehicle-to-Load technology (V2L).

Vehicle-to-Load technology (V2L).

You can power any device or charge electrical equipment up to 3.6 kW with the on-board 230V socket or the bidirectional exterior charging port.

Smart power tailgate.

Smart power tailgate.

Enjoy easy loading. The tailgate opens automatically when the smart key is detected for 3 seconds. What’s more, you can customize the lift height.

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